Tag Archives: Life


Ever been awaken in the middle of night and restless? Am of the same state right now. I’ve awaken, can’t go back to sleep, so I watched a movie. A movie I thought is just another mainstream “motivational” sports related movie, but in so many ways, the movie got into me and here I am now writing about it and the spirit that gave me.

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The movie is based on a true story about a life of Gymnast, who is on it’s way to the peak of its athletic career and suddenly life gave her lemons and fell rock bottom. Her name by the way is Ariana Berlin. Her life story’s been dramatized in a movie Full Out: The Ariana Berlin Movie.

Here is the Trailer of the movie:


In connection to my previous post, here is another life story that inspires me to pick myself up from my downhill drive. I was once a competing athlete, a martial artist specifically, that’s why these kinds of life story gets me, pumps my spirit. Like Bethany Hamilton, Ariana Berlin stood up from her being wiped-out, conquered her waves, and was able to ride with waves she is ought to ride. I am hoping these life stories could also pump your spirits up as much as how it is pumping my spirit now.

And to make the long story short, and a little bit of spoiler, Ariana Berlin did conquer her obstacle and was able to move forward, pushed her limit and made a Full Out. Let us all together push ourselves to our limit, push ourselves to paddle on, and move forward to whatever delays we have in our lives right now. I am hoping that through this inspiration I got from the movie, this may not just be beneficial and encouraging for me, but to you too. That later on with my lifetime and your lifetime, you’d look back and remember these personas who were placed in the pedestal just to encourage, to remind us to never give up.

Before leaving everything from this blog post, here is good quote,

Look at what you want to change, gather a few people who believe in it like you do, and start moving forward. It’s important to remember that you don’t always need a destination. Sometimes, you just have to make forward motion. And you absolutely can.

Debby Ryan




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Surf Beyond the Waves

For those who are not familiar with the term “Wipeout” here is the meaning of the word as defined by Merriam Dictionary:




noun  wipe·out \ˈwīp-ˌau̇t\

Definition of wipeout

  1. 1:  the act or an instance of wiping out :  complete or utter destruction

  2. 2:  a fall or crash caused usually by losing control

  3. 3:  a total or decisive defeat :  drubbing

 And here is a sample of the Surfing Wipe-outs for those who are Visual Learners:
I am in the phase of my life that am already been totally wiped-out of the current waves am in. It may seem sound familiar “When life hits you hard”? I think you get the picture of it. Am already in the point in my life that I think I can no longer rise up from the state of being wiped-out, not that I’ve already given up totally but I’ve been going in circles  for almost a year already, trapped in a labyrinth. Writing this entry also took me so much courage. For almost 2 years now, I’ve been ruled out by my heart, and you know how deceiving the heart sometimes can be. As the common saying may speak. “When the emotions  are high, the brain goes dead.” I’ve been ruled out to the extent that I think am beyond repair.
Am writing this, not because I have a solution to whatever am in but because I wanted to let you know, whoever you are that I am of the same state as you are. In this very corner of the world, there’s someone who gets you, who knows what you feel and your pain. And I don’t know how and when, but what I’ve been trying to smack to my brain and heart is, I just need to PADDLE ON, keep paddling until you can ride with the waves. Paddle on until you have the stamina, paddle on until  you found the wave you are ought to ride. Paddle on until you can ride your waves. Paddle on until you’re able to conquer every waves you encounter. Paddle on like how a pro surfer paddles on and rides their waves.
Be like Bethany Hamilton, my favorite surfer, who rose up after her greatest wipeout in her life. May you be inspired by her life story as how she continuously inspires me, that there’s always a light in every end of the tunnel if you let it be; if you let it try to give light unto you. For those who are not familiar with her life story, you may watch the movie Soul Surfer.
 “I don’t need easy. I just need possible.”
Bethany Hamilton
Wherever we may be in the state of brokeness right now, it may seem impossible, it may seem endless– just always be reminded that there’s no problem that is impossible and you only make it impossible if you’d never make a step out of it. You can make the impossible, possible. Paddle on. Just paddle on.
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You Know Better

I’m employed to a firm for almost two months now, and last night I’ve talked and whining to a great friend about work. I don’t know if I’ve reached the burnt out level. I don’t know. Or maybe I was just tired and things came out of hand.

Then this morning, I read today’s devotion article of Bread of Life. The song reminded me and rebuked me. I want to share the song (which is on repeat now), maybe, just maybe, you’ve come to the burnt out level, or just tired. This might urge you, remind you that things has purposes and all we do is trust and offer the burden to the Dream Giver.


Better Than I

I thought I did what’s right
I thought I had the answers
I thought I chose the surest road
But that road brought me here

So I put up a fight
And told you how to help me
Now just when I have given up
The truth is coming clear

You know better than I
You know the way
I’ve let go the need to know why
For you know better than I

If this has been a test
I cannot see the reason
But maybe knowing I don’t know
Is part of getting through

I try to do what’s best
And faith has made it easy
To see the best thing I can do
Is put my trust in you

For You know better than I
You know the way
I’ve let go the need to know why
For you know better than I

I saw one cloud and thought it was a sky
I saw a bird and thought that I could follow
But it was you who taught that bird to fly
If I let you reach me will you teach me

For You know better than I
You know the way
I’ve let go the need to know why
I’ll take what answers you supply
You know better than I

To anyone who is battling the same battle I am facing, know that you’re not the only one. And Soldier On! Padayon!

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Mother to all the “Mother-less”

I don’t write mushy letters and messages. I stopped writing letters to my dearest mother since High School. I get used to not showing any affection except to (well, to me) give my time whenever a person of great importance asks a favor. But today, I choose to write something to ” The mother to all the Mother-less” .

You will never realize how important a person is until she leaves temporarily or permanently.

“People say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, you just never thought you’d lose it.”


To the Mother of our village in Cebu BOL, everyone has always a story to tell how you become a mother to them. To me, you are the one who made me low my defenses, my fences and made me a person who trusts and talks. I am personally a very secretive person, there are things I don’t really tell people because I hate being judged and I’m scared it will be used against me in the future. You made an impression that I can trust you with my story; that you are willing to listen, even to the useless and small things. I don’t understand why I am so fond of you until now. You too, has a heart just like my mom. She, just like you, has a big heart with the people she is surrounded with, is very unselfish, full of love and has a grateful spirit. Just like her, I always admire you (though I don’t really show it, but I do!).  You are indeed my second mother! Thank you for all the lessons, and will take heart all of them.

You are off to another 365-days adventure. I am praying for a safe trip and know we, your village, will be with you in prayers. And your Shire will be waiting for you when you get back. We will miss you in the office, and also your mentos!  I love you mommy Madz!


P.S. I will Chat you whatever updates (if there is) hehe. Ciao! *hugs*

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I stumbled upon a Facebook post, and I think it is worth sharing and thought provoking.


Let’s all give a hug to our parents, offer words of admiration and treat them well.

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Lessons From A Lost Phone

I recently lost my smartphone. No, it was not lost, it was pick pocketed in a public utility jeepney. There’s a new mudos here in Cebu where negative elements distract the victims by sticking a gum in their hair or shirts. Yes, aside from pick pocketing my phone, they also stick the gum in my hair. What a hassle!! Anyways…..


First, I need to let go. I have nothing to do now, it’s already gone. Never cry over spilled milk, it won’t solve the problem.

“I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts me most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.” Life of Pi

Second, even how you treasure “precious” things, it would eventually disintegrate. Don’t let material things rule your life.

Third, it is not helpful to take the blame game. And I’m happy my mom never took the bad news too seriously and reminded me that it’s just an item. A material thing.

Fourth, going back to basic (laptop and books) is not that bad after all. You got to enjoy things you never have given importance to.

Lastly, It’ great to have a “village” who never let material things rule their lives, and who are not consumerism driven. You got to have a wiser and smarter mindset and advice.

I do feel so awful now, but I know this will pass. For now, let me mourn over the lost of my buddy.

Mom, I’m so sorry I failed to protect my buddy.

Ate pat, ate mel and matt, thank you so much for all the concerns and the wise advises and for mourning with me

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I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. – 2 Timothy 4:7

How many of us can die now and say those words? How many of us have lived our lives to its full potential? Will we able to live behind a great legacy? Can people say that we have taught them that “to live is to die”?

We all can say that we have lived out lives selfishly and cunningly for ourselves.  I have lived a selfish life; I have lived for my own.

Not just the South Africans mourned over the passing of their great leader, but the world does. We have mourned for the passing of a leader, who lived his life to die for his people. We learned from him of what forgiveness can do to a long separated country. The whole world mourned for the passing of Nelson Mandela.

What did we really learned from his life?

In all accounts of Nelson Mandela, the movie Invictus, gave us a very summary of what he is as a leader. He has a calling, he knew he needs to lead his people to reconciliation, to forgiveness; to bury what was the past and start a new future.

How did he start?

It all started when all he had were the 4 walls of the prison cell, when everything seems hopeless he remained hopeful. When everything seems useless, he make use of his time to study his “enemy” , he learned that the only enemy he has is himself.



Even the Springbok’s Captain can’t fathom how Mandela was able to forgive the “people” who put him into prison. But the reconciliation and forgiveness didn’t come easy. They have a Jonah Lomu they still have to face, but they were ready, they all are ready for it. They have all been inspired and are willing to give it all.



Let the life of Nelson Mandela be a lesson for us, for our dear Philippines. Let be Mandela’s consistency be our inspiration to aspire great for our country, and let’s keep on hoping for our country. Redemption for Philippines will come, it may not be in our lifetime, but let our lives speak, be an example.


It matters not how strait the gate

How charged with punishment the scroll

I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.

-Invictus, William Ernest Henley

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Philippines’ “Norbury”

“Watson,” said he, “if it should ever strike you that I am getting a little over-confident in my powers, or giving less pains to a case than it deserves, kindly whisper ‘Norbury’ in my ear, and I shall be infinitely obliged to you.”

– Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

In so many times I tend to be as confident as any balloon the world could ever contain. We could be as arrogantly proud sometimes, and mind you, IT WILL NOT TAKE YOU ANYWHERE. It will not take me anywhere.

I’ve tried writing something about this topic but the 7.2 Magnitude came, then the devastating Yolanda. My heart is grieving with the news, and netizens bashing out  the Philippine Government, with the very slow relief operations (Rappler News). I pity my beloved country, I pity my fellow countrymen, I pity my government. The people are upset with the government, nothing really is going on, my people is still out there hungry and getting desperate, and no government’s aid came. Our government should have been the beacon of hope of my countrymen, all hope seems to crumble when help are not given. Our government remained apathetic. It’s an epitome of what we are as a country, as Filipinos, as a people.

Let these calamities be our reminder. Let these be my reminder, I have yet a hill to climb for my country.

To all of my countrymen who suffered from the typhoon; who lost their loved ones and their homes, my heart and my prayers are with you.I grieve with all of you. There is still hope! We can rise again! Bangon Pilipinas!!


Tayo ay babangon muli! Bangon Pilipinas!!
(Disclaimer: All credits to the rightful owner)

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Disenthralling You and Me

When you never resolve the things of the past, it will come back and haunt you either of your present, or of your future.

“We’re all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we chose to act on, that’s we really are.” – Sirius Black

Recently, I have been thinking of really giving it up and to stay firm with my resolution of not going back to the old ways, to the old vices, and to the old me. But what is harder is to forget and erase that impression and perception of the people who knew what you were in the past. If only I did not go and explored. If only. This will go through a looooooong process, and I am afraid yet, willing to go through the honing. This too shall pass!

 The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.   -Abraham Lincoln   

Po, of Kung Fun Panda 2, very much reminds us to let it go, and let it pass. Not that we have to and needs to bury what we have been, but learn from it and let go; to bounce back and get back on track.  The past never shapes us of what we are to become IF you don’t permit to.

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Listen to a Father’s Tale.

Old people has always something to tell, it’s not that they are boasting of how resilient they were but “those were the good (sad, horrific) old days”. it is common for them to tell the younger generation to “learn” from their mistakes and experiences. it’s quite enriching to learn from people of their past. I mean it’s like reading a book, meeting different kind and type of characters that, to every end of the story everything and everyone is molded into certain plot and eventually everything makes sense.


I hope ours also does makes sense. Anyways.

I have another story to tell and brought with me a lesson for us to learn.

You already have encountered my boss (from my previous rants) and he has many stories to tell. His experience in life is not most of our youths today, he was the breadwinner and works for school tuition fees. He’s quite focused and dedicated. Life then was difficult, very difficult. So what is extra ordinary of his life? Simple. He never made the monetary hindrances his dream and goals. He wants to finish Architecture when he was young, what he did was wakes up in the morning earlier than most of his peers, and go for the newspaper office and go he went to deliver these newspapers. He worked from dawn till evening. After his newspaper deliveries off he went again to send his siblings to school, worked as a shine boy part-time and many others. He really is a resilient man.

When he got his bachelor degree in Architecture, off he went to Singapore to earn a living and support his siblings who then was still in Med School. Worked as a designer then looked for greener pastures in Saudi,I’m not quite sure whether he really worked in Saudi but he did mentioned an interview. Despite of his work experience he still pursue Masters Degree in Holland and eventually went back to start an office.

Everything didn’t go that smooth as other professions would be like, like any business the difficult stage is starting to operate an office and finding projects. My boss always told us time and time again, Architecture is difficult and getting projects are more difficult more than anything in the world. There will be turn down from clients, yet he said nothing bitter sweet starts with success. He planted the thought that it will be rough but head on,to hope for betterment in every hurdle so push harder,that their is nothing wrong with being idealistic towards the profession but forever remind ourselves that always get grounded with life’s realities.

I have nothing to ask for, my boss already has given us a sneak peek and I’m glad. There is nothing wrong in listening to the tales of our forefathers, just bare in mind that it is always ‘garbage in,garbage out’. Not everything is worth listening to, so filter what comes inside our minds.

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I Learned My Lessons

Injuries. We all get injuries, we may be an athlete on training or not. To be a better athlete, we go through pain (like injuries) for us to get better.

“The Motto of Champions: … If injured, you can rebound and return bigger and better…and continue to inspire!”  – T.F. Hodge

I was once an athlete, was part of a varsity team. In my sport, injuries is a norm and giving up on the pain is a sign of weakness. I’ve been trained not to show any weakness or else it might be an advantage for my opponent. Of the way of this world, giving up means failure. Well for me, I gained something.

I’ve been fighting for an injury I got 3 years ago. I thought it was fine and “healed” by time until I got my knee snapped 2 weeks ago. This injury is a reminder of my disobedience and stubborness. Disobedience because my mom’s been telling me to stop the sport I truly loves and begin to focus on what is certain and stubborness because I persuade my mom and never seek wholeheartedly the counsel of the doctors. This knee pains and few monetary and time I spent are the results of my wrong choices I made in the past.

“Study the past if you would define the future.”
― Confucius

It takes a whole lot of humility to accept what this knee have become and admit that I’ve made a mistake and these are the consequences. To tell you the truth, I can’t accept and admit it yet. While writing this blog post I’ve got thousands of reasons and people to blame with. Very Stubborn indeed!


Lessons Learned?

1. Humility is a BIG word. And given by Up Above through and by grace.
2. Don’t just forget the past, learn from it! It is wise to learn and never go through it once more.
3. Band-aid solutions ain’t gonna cover the cracks forever.
4. Excuses will never cure the injury.
5. Asking help from family and relatives won’t hurt at all (especially given with a negative answer).
6. No pain, No gain.


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