Tag Archives: Mothers

Mother to all the “Mother-less”

I don’t write mushy letters and messages. I stopped writing letters to my dearest mother since High School. I get used to not showing any affection except to (well, to me) give my time whenever a person of great importance asks a favor. But today, I choose to write something to ” The mother to all the Mother-less” .

You will never realize how important a person is until she leaves temporarily or permanently.

“People say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, you just never thought you’d lose it.”


To the Mother of our village in Cebu BOL, everyone has always a story to tell how you become a mother to them. To me, you are the one who made me low my defenses, my fences and made me a person who trusts and talks. I am personally a very secretive person, there are things I don’t really tell people because I hate being judged and I’m scared it will be used against me in the future. You made an impression that I can trust you with my story; that you are willing to listen, even to the useless and small things. I don’t understand why I am so fond of you until now. You too, has a heart just like my mom. She, just like you, has a big heart with the people she is surrounded with, is very unselfish, full of love and has a grateful spirit. Just like her, I always admire you (though I don’t really show it, but I do!).  You are indeed my second mother! Thank you for all the lessons, and will take heart all of them.

You are off to another 365-days adventure. I am praying for a safe trip and know we, your village, will be with you in prayers. And your Shire will be waiting for you when you get back. We will miss you in the office, and also your mentos!  I love you mommy Madz!


P.S. I will Chat you whatever updates (if there is) hehe. Ciao! *hugs*

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I stumbled upon a Facebook post, and I think it is worth sharing and thought provoking.


Let’s all give a hug to our parents, offer words of admiration and treat them well.

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