Tag Archives: Nelson Mandela


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. – 2 Timothy 4:7

How many of us can die now and say those words? How many of us have lived our lives to its full potential? Will we able to live behind a great legacy? Can people say that we have taught them that “to live is to die”?

We all can say that we have lived out lives selfishly and cunningly for ourselves.  I have lived a selfish life; I have lived for my own.

Not just the South Africans mourned over the passing of their great leader, but the world does. We have mourned for the passing of a leader, who lived his life to die for his people. We learned from him of what forgiveness can do to a long separated country. The whole world mourned for the passing of Nelson Mandela.

What did we really learned from his life?

In all accounts of Nelson Mandela, the movie Invictus, gave us a very summary of what he is as a leader. He has a calling, he knew he needs to lead his people to reconciliation, to forgiveness; to bury what was the past and start a new future.

How did he start?

It all started when all he had were the 4 walls of the prison cell, when everything seems hopeless he remained hopeful. When everything seems useless, he make use of his time to study his “enemy” , he learned that the only enemy he has is himself.



Even the Springbok’s Captain can’t fathom how Mandela was able to forgive the “people” who put him into prison. But the reconciliation and forgiveness didn’t come easy. They have a Jonah Lomu they still have to face, but they were ready, they all are ready for it. They have all been inspired and are willing to give it all.



Let the life of Nelson Mandela be a lesson for us, for our dear Philippines. Let be Mandela’s consistency be our inspiration to aspire great for our country, and let’s keep on hoping for our country. Redemption for Philippines will come, it may not be in our lifetime, but let our lives speak, be an example.


It matters not how strait the gate

How charged with punishment the scroll

I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.

-Invictus, William Ernest Henley

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