Tag Archives: Samsung

Lessons From A Lost Phone

I recently lost my smartphone. No, it was not lost, it was pick pocketed in a public utility jeepney. There’s a new mudos here in Cebu where negative elements distract the victims by sticking a gum in their hair or shirts. Yes, aside from pick pocketing my phone, they also stick the gum in my hair. What a hassle!! Anyways…..


First, I need to let go. I have nothing to do now, it’s already gone. Never cry over spilled milk, it won’t solve the problem.

“I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts me most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.” Life of Pi

Second, even how you treasure “precious” things, it would eventually disintegrate. Don’t let material things rule your life.

Third, it is not helpful to take the blame game. And I’m happy my mom never took the bad news too seriously and reminded me that it’s just an item. A material thing.

Fourth, going back to basic (laptop and books) is not that bad after all. You got to enjoy things you never have given importance to.

Lastly, It’ great to have a “village” who never let material things rule their lives, and who are not consumerism driven. You got to have a wiser and smarter mindset and advice.

I do feel so awful now, but I know this will pass. For now, let me mourn over the lost of my buddy.

Mom, I’m so sorry I failed to protect my buddy.

Ate pat, ate mel and matt, thank you so much for all the concerns and the wise advises and for mourning with me

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