Tag Archives: creativity

Series of Exemplary Actions: Honed by the Potter.

I didn’t get to write and update for quite sometime, the start of my year was already a roller coaster. I mean, it’s still in the first quarter and many things already happened. I had been slacking, stressing and recovering at the same time. For countless of times, I urged my self to write but nothing comes up. Been juicing my brains and heart out but no juice is pouring out.


Lately, I’ve witnessed several homo sapiens who have done quite out of the packaging box. And my brain is perfectly kept on prompting me to write about it, and here I am now. Writing.


For the past months I have this leave-not work urgency. Work have been stressing me so much that quitting is my next option. My love (architecture) became a work, a burden. And here goes my boss, after our one-on-one talk, he made me realized that we’ve been both a difficult person to each other. I hated him so much, at that time being. He’s so frank and quite right about me. He’s words pierced me, stabbed me up front. Despite everything , he gave me a chance to prove to myself and himself that I am worth the expectations from my peers, from my teachers during college and from his expectations. He didn’t gave up on me, like a father does in his lost child. To make a long story short, everything went well after it. My performance in the office in my opinion improved and got to prove to my self that I can, and will be able to survive the profession.

Little things like that never happen too often, l am thankful that earlier in my path to being a practicing architect, I’ve been honed and shaped to betterment. Thank you so much sir!


I’m crafted into perfection by the Potter’s Hand.

The joy of learning is as indispensable in study as breathing is in running. Where it is lacking there are no real students, but only poor caricatures of apprentices who, at the end of their apprenticeship, will not even have a trade. – Simone Weil


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