
By definition Innovation is changing for better ideas, products that are already ready in the market.  A study says that by 2020, companies employs people that are creative [Link here]. True. 8 years from now, that will be it. But up to what extent one could be creative? Given that almost everything is already given.

I read an article about Invention and Innovation: Barriers, Struggles and Motivations. It mentioned how people is moved to innovate a product, but never invented something new. Just an improvement. It’s funny how smart phones become so mainstream in the market and all this time after it got out, what we only see after are simply innovation of the other and new applications, new shell, color and that’s it. It’s disturbing for me given  that we have the technology and all the resources we could acquire to invent. To make our “life” for the better but we become contented and just innovate. We never think of something new, we become shallow and simply innovate. We become tired to think for new ideas, for new things. We forgot to imagine and dream.

This might be a joke but it unconsciously shows how shallow we are. Forgive me but I have to do this. Maybe, a wake up call.

I like how this 9gag joke shows how we became a society of shallowness.

There is no wrong with innovation but all we can see nowadays are just a copy-paste of something in the past and made it just fit to this time and that’s it. A great example is Architecture. Before the modern times, architects are hungry for new ideas. From the architecture of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Medieval, Gothic, Renaissance, Industrialization, Modernism, Deconstuctivism and we end until here. Sadly, yes. Buildings we see nowadays are just simple innovation and a play of forms. It’s pleasing to the eyes but it has no content. What is pleasing is the shell of the building. I am no exemption to this because that’s what became my culture and this is how I was and am taught. I am taught not to think but only to design. I am not taught to think of impossible things but taught to please. Sometimes being creative has it’s disadvantages. I know. It just scares me.

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. – Steve Jobs

Are we made to IMPROVATE or INVENT?

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2 thoughts on “Improvate

  1. I would venture to say we are innovators. We can use what is around us to create and modify but in the truest sense of the world we are incapable of creating or inventing something.

    Everything existed before humans began innovating it. Yes, it is genius to see what others do not and be able to show others that it is possible. If we think about the recent news in regards to the Higgs boson, it was a theoretical particle in physics that we now know is likely to exist, the theory did not create or invent this particle but through it we have discovered something truly incredible and fascinating.

    • milobee says:

      We are entitled with our own opinion and I respect it. What I really am trying to say is that, we stopped being Einstein’s, Edison’s, Wright’s… we are, by nature are curious but most of us, with everything I think is given stopped being curios and settled for less. Thank you for sharing your point of view and I respect it. Thank you very much,

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