Tag Archives: Pritzker Prize

Fourth of the Ten: Wants

All of us have things we desire to acquire, will it be material things, power, money, position, and the list goes along. We have that nature to acquire and for this post, I will have a list of what I wish to acquire, called Wants. Materially, I can give you a hundredth of list but I’m pretty meticulous with the list and came up with this top of my want-list.

7 Wants:

1. I want to Travel. I want to see the world, and God’s magnificence. And for my chosen profession, there’s a need for travel, to see what is happening to the world. I have a bucket list of my top places to go to, but who doesn’t have a list? 🙂

2. I want to learn Rendering, an A+ photo-realistic rendering. Whatever you see now about architecture and interiors, verify it if it’s real or a render because today, you can’t already tell which is which because of fast-pace improvement of technology, softwares and research.


A Photo-Realistic Render (c) http://renderingofarchitecture.com

3. I want to study Abroad. I know it’s not in the School where you came from, but to the excellence you do in every small things you do that bears much fruit in the future. But I want to acquire a different experience and training in Architecture. I think there’ll be much more to learn.

4. I want a Pritzker Prize. Dreams! you can never limit dreams. Pritzker Prize is an equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Architecture, and I dream of being an awardee. I still have a loooooooong way, but will never give up!

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.
Walter Elliot

5. I want (wish) to build my parents home. It will not be a dream anymore because I am already planning it, but I do wish it’ll be under my name, not of any other Architects.

6. I want to be better in writing.  I’m not much of a writer but I’m trying. It’s one of my dreams to author a book, a best-seller book. Wishful thinking 🙂

7. I want (wish) the Philippines to have sustainable infrastructures! Seeing our streets now, it continues to break my heart. How can we have a dignity lift if even our streets can’t give us one? We don’t have safe sidewalks, we don’t have effective sewers, we don’t have admirable infrastructures and we never maintain our buildings and the list goes on and on. Sigh.

“All the human and animal manure which the world wastes, if returned to the land, instead of being thrown into the sea, would suffice to nourish the world.”
― Victor HugoLes Misérables

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