Tag Archives: Architeture

Are you Happy?

Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results. – Dennis Wholey

Be happy. Live longer. No, it’s not that simple, but new research says happy(or being happy) lives are longer — by 35%. (An article by Sharon Jayson)

Happiness maybe caused by life experience, room’s mood and color, positive emotions, movies, etc, there are many ways to make a person happy. But it’s still a person’s prerogative if they really want to be happy or live in a very miserable life. Everything is a choice. Everything in this life is made and caused by our own freewill.

This caught my attention as I was browsing to different pages in facebook.

In architecture, we use color Psychology to dictate a person’s mood. It draws attention, it makes someone feel sleepy, excited, lonely, sad, blue, and some colors can even make you feel rich and royalty. But Yellow, the cheerful yellow is associated with laughter, happiness and good times. Though certain shades of the color may change the mood and it’s associations. Sometimes if you really need to cheer your self up, try looking for things with color yellow. It might brighten up your day and your mood. BUT! Again.. you choose to be happy. You choose to let certain emotions affects you, you choose to let certain circumstances affects your day.

Being happy doesn’t mean you’re perfect. It just means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections – K.B. Indiana

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